Recently, I was asked to write an essay and to number its paragraphs. I couldn’t find anything premade, so I worked something up using the ledmac package. It isn’t perfect (you need to restart it after using the quote environment, etc.) but it did the trick for a simple essay. In case anybody else is looking to do something similar, here’s how I did it:

% \reversemarginpar % Uncomment for in the margin
% \setlength\marginparwidth{2em} % Uncomment for in the margin
\newcommand*{\newpara}{ %
  % \marginpar{{\textbf{\thepara. }}} % Uncomment for in the margin
  \textbf{\thepara. } % Comment for in the margin
\title{Lorem Ipsum}
\author{Ryan Kavanagh}

See the instructions in the comments for having numbers in the margin.